It’s all
There is dignity, care, compassion and quality of life after diagnosis of a serious illness.
We deliver vital healthcare and support services.

The butterfly is the symbol of Hospice and Palliative Care. It symbolizes personal transformation because of the impressive process of metamorphosis it goes through. Butterflies teach us that changes in our lives are inevitable, however, they do not have to be traumatic. The butterfly teaches us to embrace personal transformation and the changes of our environment and body, even though it is difficult.
The butterfly is the symbol of Hospice and Palliative Care. It symbolizes personal transformation because of the impressive process of metamorphosis it goes through. Butterflies teach us that changes in our lives are inevitable; however, they do not have to be traumatic. The butterfly teaches us to embrace personal transformation and the changes of our environment and body, even though it is difficult.
Our basic palliative nursing care is available free to all community members in their homes. We serve Barrydale and the surrounding farms in the Overberg and Klein Karoo.

Palliative Care
Palliative Care
Palliative care is specialised medical care that improves the quality of life throughout the treatment of a life-threatening illnesses by providing practical, emotional and spiritual support. This care is focused on alleviating pain and suffering.

Home Nursing & Care
Home Nursing & Care
The best possible palliative and hospice care services are provided by qualified nurses and carers in the familiar surroundings and comfort of our patients’ homes; however this is not a full time care service. Our funds directly benefit the destitute patients.

Respite Care
Respite Care
Respite care is a temporary relief option for families who need a break from caring for a loved one. Our certified carers will look after the person you take care of for a few hours, a week or extended periods.

Advanced Wound Care
Advanced Wound Care
We provide post surgery wound care assistance to reduce the risk of complications and infections.

Care Education & Support
Care Education & Support
Most of the day-to-day care of a person dying is provided by family and friends. Barrydale hospice educates and supports willing family members and friends of the patient, to care for their loved ones.

We telephonically guide callers through minor nursing processes with the telehealth consultation. We do not dispense prescriptions and only provide medication when we actively treat the patient.

Nursing Care
Nursing Care
We provide private nursing consultation and care upon request.

Bereavement Care
Bereavement Care
Our bereavement service is available to the families of our hospice patients who have lost a loved one due to death. Bereavement is an umbrella term that includes overall adaptation to death.

Contact Us
Community Health Programme
Our Community Health Programme uses an integrated approach to provide our rural community with increased access to health, increased health literacy on communicable and noncommunicable diseases and practical learning workshops.
It is a supportive and complementary service to the overburdened public health service. Barrydale Hospice works to strengthen efforts for early detection, prevention, treatment adherence and self management. We provide screening, testing, monitoring and referral. We also deliver deepened health literacy support and practical adaptation workshops for lifestyle change to improve health outcomes.
We go directly to our patients and beneficiaries due to their transport and resource limitations – in underserved locations around Barrydale and the surrounding farms in the Overberg and Klein Karoo.

Our Community
Barrydale Hospice is situated within the rural town of Barrydale in the Western Cape, at the intersection of the Klein Karoo and Overberg. Our services extend to surrounding farms in the Klein Karoo and Overberg. Barrydale is a safe and scenic village offering tranquility, lovely weather and an open-hearted community. It has become a popular place for people wishing to retire.
Barrydale has a population of approximately 6000, and a further 3000 people are spread around the neighbouring farming area.
Historical spatial separation is marked, the stark evidence showing up in the wide socio-economic gap between sectors of the population.

The two sides of Barrydale. During apartheid, the Group Areas Act removed black people from the lower side making it a ‘whites only’ area. Donna Kouter a Barrydale resident said, “The coloured people were chucked behind the hill”. “They called that part, Steek My Weg [hide me away]”.
Source: Times Live/Ashraf Hendricks. Image: GroundUp/Ashraf Hendricks
Our Story
The Barrydale hospice and palliative care services was initiated by Sister Joana van der Merwe and Nola Frazer in 2013, who were responding to bedridden cancer patients in need of palliative care.
Barrydale Hospice is a registered NPO and PBO. Shortly after that, the hospice bought a small complex to house its patients. During the recent Covid lockdown, our hospice provided care packages and nutritional support to families who faced a lack of food security.
Many patients are from marginalised rural communities that live below the poverty line and need palliative care at home, or community-based care initiatives. The hospice provides care, support, bereavement counseling and education through its trained nurses and palliative home carers who care for patients in the comfort of their own homes.
Barrydale Hospice works closely with government and is a member of the Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA).

How you can support
We welcome volunteers to support our community outreach programmes.
Get in touch
+27 76 868 9660
49a Van Riebeeck Street
Barrydale 6750
Western Cape, South Africa
NPO 176-335
PBO 930 055 615
P.O. Box 225
Barrydale, 6750
Barrydale Hospice
B/A 632 005
Current Account
Account No. 408 795 83 05